Tuesday, 27 December 2011

They have given us all pills, we were desperate for suppositories but they insisted. I can't eat or drink (not even bodily fluids) for two days, while the training meshes in my subconscious. Normally of course Caprican's are expected to learn the old fashioned way: schools, college and experience, but I get the feeling that they just can't be bothered with us. They'd rather just give us a learning pill and be done with it.

There is an obvious animosity between the the children of Worthing and the last of the Capricans, but they're so bloody egalitarian and noble that when we called and asked for their help they said yes, but you can tell in their pale empty eyes that they despise us as much as we despise them; but it still surprises me that they have ...

I am to be paired with MiWith; some ancient crone whose only ever known the body she was born in and looking at her wrinkled tit-less frame I'd be surprised if she's ever known another. I offered to introduce her to the "chill out fuck-a-torium". It's hardly used these days of course and is right out on the outskirts of Durrington in Dome One. I offered to take her out myself and introduce her, she's clearly very tense and uptight. The way she looked at me .. it was like she was afraid.

What's wrong with these people ? It's not as if I asked her to join me in the gag chambers or the torture gardens! I was officially warned by the President's team not to mention anything of the sort again. Apparently they won't even be going to the Conjoining Ceremony. Dull ...

Since the incident relations between MiWith and myself have been frosty to say the least. Well, it's a matter of waiting to see what these pills will do in next 48 hours or so. Goodnight sweet diary, I'm feeling unusually tired ... must be these ... zzzzz


Sunday, 18 December 2011

We met beneath Dome 3, in the engineer and design canteen.

President Savage was there with his 1st concubine, Mixxy Fluff. She was in her first born form; and what a form. At the Sleep ceremony there'll be a massive conjoining, I have just the male for her. I've been working on the design for 6 months now, I've tested it of course, but I'm still not happy with the stomach muscles and the tone of the flesh, but it'll be ready for the ceremony; ready for her. She may of course be in a different body too.

My other seven team members were there. We've been chosen because of our engineering skills. It's true I did a course once, about a thousand years ago, no literally a-thou-sand years ago I did basic coffee machine maintenance, but that's what passes for a degree in engineering these days, it all so automated you see, the machines do everything! Probably the most qualified of us is the vice president, Charlie Brown Baker. It was his idea to bring in the last of the Capricans to design and build the force dome to secure our future beyond the heat death of the galaxy, beyond the end of time. What boring fucks. I can understand that as universe come to an end that they might wish to stop producing off spring; as they forbade us when they gave us the gift of Essence Shifting, but to actually stop fucking altogether! No wonder they have chosen to stay behind and be engulfed by the inferno. Best thing for them, they're so bloody miserable.

Damn. They make me so angry. I'll write more later after I've calmed down. But you forgive me don't you sweet diary. Of course you do. You'll forgive what I tell you to forgive.

End Transmission ....


Thursday, 15 December 2011

I have to admit to being afraid. So many times during the sex games I have died and been reborn, so many times I have bored of one body and built a new one to house my essence. You know how fickle I can be, especially about hair and skin; freckle and curls ... but this time will be different. It wont be instant.

I know that I will be unaware of the length of my sleep - they're already beginning to call it "the sleep without dreams," and that it will seem but a moment, but I know it won't. I know it will be at least 300 million years before I awake on the other side. 300 million years. That's a long time to wait, a long time without flesh to touch, to inhabit, to fuck..

I have to go now, there are so many things to do. I've been chosen to be part of the fist 250 to be reborn on the other side and I will have to learn things from those boring Capricans. Hopefully I will have other opportunities to write down my feelings in you my sweet diary before .. well just before.

End Transmission
